How to Overcome Third-Party Cybersecurity Risks Easily: Your Vendors are the Weakest Link

Imagine locking your house doors with the best locks. But what if that lock’s key could easily be replicated? Or that lock could easily be broken? Or there’s a window left open in the house?

That’s what happens when companies use third-party software that isn’t secure.

In the article below, I’ll show you how to overcome third-party cybersecurity risks easily.

Attackers Love Third-Party Software

Third-party software is like a tool you borrow instead of building your own. It’s faster, cheaper, and often better than trying to rebuild the wheel.

But here’s a catch: if that software isn’t set up properly or updated regularly, it’s like leaving that window open for burglars.

Hackers know this.

They look for vulnerabilities in third-party tools, because they’re easier to attack.

Even if the rest of your system is strong, that one weak spot can let attackers in.

You Can’t Avoid Using Third-Party Software

You can’t run a business without using third-party software.

Whether it’s for payment processing, email, or project management or anything for that matter, these tools are essential. 

But they come with risks:

  • Poor Implementation: If the software isn’t set up right, hackers can exploit it.
  • Outdated Versions: Old versions of software often have known vulnerabilities. Hackers know exactly where to strike.
  • Hidden Weaknesses: Even if everything seems fine, there might still be security flaws you can’t see.
  • Posed risks on system: Your system might not be configured properly to use third-party softwares, even though third-party softwares are implemented properly.

What Will Help Overcome Third-Party Cybersecurity Risks?

So, how do you protect your company? The answer is penetration testing.

Think of it like hiring a professional “good guy” hacker to try and break into your system.

This test shows you:

  1. If your third-party software is properly set up.
  2. Whether it’s up to date or has vulnerabilities.
  3. Any weak spots that hackers could exploit.

Good Hackers simulate real-world attacks.

Pentesting helps you fix problems before hackers can find them. It’s like closing and locking that open window before a burglar gets in.

What Can You Do To Protect Against Attacks?

You can reduce third-party cybersecurity risks:

  1. Update Regularly: Always install updates as soon as they’re available.
  2. Choose Trusted Vendors: Only use software from reputable companies.
  3. Schedule Penetration Tests: Regularly test your systems to ensure everything is secure.

Third-party software makes life easier, but it also comes with risks.

By taking steps like penetration testing, you can keep your business safe and make sure those tools work for you, and not against you.

Don’t let your vendors be the weakest link in your cybersecurity chain.

You can do this yourself or we can do this for you… OR We handle simulated hacking and you handle everything else.


Contact me today to take the first step towards overcoming third-party cybersecurity risks on your systems.